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Yoga Class

"Mindful Moments"

Mindfulness & Therapeutic Yoga Program for Children

Yoga Class
Yoga Class

Complete Contact Form

Register for the
Fall Program

Mindful Moments

Mindful moments is a trauma-informed, mindfulness-based yoga program for children to learn strategies and tools that they can take away to use in their daily lives. This program is designed with the intention of supporting young people with building their confidence, resilience, emotional-regulation and connection to self. These classes utilize movement and breathwork while also incorporating play and art therapy to empower children to become more aware of their own responses, help them move away from reactivity and towards a more balanced engagement with the world and themselves


Learning about their emotions and reactions, body awareness and stress management can be a truly valuable experience for children and youth, giving them the space to develop both self-knowledge and self-esteem. In a world where young people are facing increasing pressure from various sources, offering a safe space and a means of self-care can help them cope better with stressful or challenging life events, in addition to improving their psychological well-being and growth. Each series of classes will focus on specific themes that invite young people to be curious, be aware, be present and be themselves.


Claudia Hui, MSW
Registered Social Worker
Child & Youth Yoga Instructor

Fall Program Starting soon. Contact us to enquire!


Classes for children and tweens.

Max 8 participants per class

Yoga mats provided but you can bring your own/Bring water bottle


​Sessions are led by a Registered Social Worker/Child & Youth Yoga Instructor.

Because of the therapeutic nature of this program, check with your insurance provider to see if they cover Registered Social Workers or "group therapy" .

Growing the Group


​Mindful Moments is the first therapeutic yoga class for children that Kindred Counselling has offered. As the program gains popularity we will open up other classes and for different ages. If you are interested in registering for future children's yoga programs please contact us for more info.


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