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Sarah DiFederico EMDR Kindred Counselling

EMDR Intensives

A modern way of doing therapy-that works
What is EMDR Intensive Therapy?

EMDR Intensive Therapy is a powerful way to accelerate your therapeutic progress that you would experience in a shorter EMDR session. Rather than going to counselling for an hour session once a week, you would set aside a specific chunk of time - 4-16+ hours over a period of days - for intensive therapeutic work. It is a concentrated way to get the benefit of EMDR without having time in between sessions. It helps people achieve rapid results with a significant reduction in problematic symptoms in a short period of time.


What is the process?

At Kindred Counselling we value transparency and therefore have the total process laid out


Initial Consultation:

To start the process you will have a free 15-20 consultation and run through some initial screening questions to determine if your current circumstances would allow you to be an ideal candidate for an EMDR Intensive. If you are, then an Pre-Intensive 90-120 min Intake will be scheduled and a general Intake and consent form will be sent electronically to be completed before the intake. 


Pre-Intensive Intake Session:

The 90-120 minute intake (Longer Intake for multiple targets) will be scheduled approximately 4-6 weeks before the Intensive session would take place. The Intake session is calculated at the therapists regular hourly rate ($160-$170 hr +gst) and is not included in the actual Intensive fee. This is because the Intensive  has not yet been determined. This intake is to assess your current risk and protective factors, readiness, contraindications or any barriers that may not make you an ideal candidate for the Intensive format  beyond the initial consult screening. We will then review the consent form so you are 100% informed of the process and review and sign the Intensive Agreement (which includes the Cancellation Policy) if you continues to agree to the process.


We will then identify goals and targets for the EMDR Intensive, complete clinical assessments and do a thorough trauma history taking. A portion of the time will be spent preparing you emotionally for the Intensive experience with therapeutic exercises, which is a standard part of the EMDR protocol process. Concluding the intake the therapist will then make recommendation for an Intensive hourly option that suits your situation (Between 4-6 hours for individual incidents or 8+hrs for multiple past trauma incidents). You will then have 48 hours to  make a determination if you want to schedule an Intensive session. If yes, the client and therapist will book the Intensive from approximately 4-6weeks from that day (depending on therapist-client availability). Upon booking you will make a 50% non-refundable deposit to secure your booking. Upon completion of the Pre-Intensive Intake Session the therapist will develop a customized treatment plan to act as our compass throughout the Intensive and garner the best results. Post-intake session the client will have the time to prepare for the Intensive and make the necessary logistical arrangements. The client will also have time to prepare emotionally and mentally for the process which lies ahead for them. The other 50% of the booking will be due 21 days before the Intensives session is set to begin. Please see the cancellation policy for details.


Personalized Treatment Workbook:

You will receive the Personalized Treatment Workbook after all the initial paperwork after the  Intensive Intake Session has been completed. The workbook includes psychoeducation and therapeutic exercises to prepare for the Intensive. The workbook will also allow you keep a record of progress on your treatment goals throughout the entire process and see pre and post assessment differences.


Intensive Session(s): (Read more about the inner working of EMDR on the other website pages and the research provided below)

During the EMDR Intensive we do  do 2 things: 1) Desensitization: Resolve or proportionately reduce the negative effects of the trauma by desensitizing chosen targets and current triggers identified in the Pre-Intensive Intake Session included in the customized treatment plan. 2) Reprocessing: Significantly increase your capacities in your day to day functioning and install an adaptive perspective regarding your trauma in the present day and into your beliefs of adaptive and improved future functioning.


Post Intensive:

One week after the EMDR Intensive the therapist will connect by email for shorter Intensives, or 30  min Zoom check-in for 8hr+Intensives,  to reflect on the elements that were most meaningful to you.

Benefits of EMDR Intensives
  • Rapid Healing: EMDR Intensives can often achieve clinical results in a shorter time compared to traditional therapy.

  • Early intervention is key in reducing the negative impact of a traumatic incident and ongoing distress experiences

  • Long-lasting Relief: Experience relief from distressing symptoms long term because trauma has been integrated and connected channels have been cleared Gain relief from ongoing distress learn how to manage your "everyday" better with past related traumas being desensitized

  • Increased Resilience: Build the resilience needed to face life's ups and downs with new adaptive beliefs installed about your future

  • Transformative Growth: EMDR Intensives can lead to profound personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Intensive session lengths allow you to end your session at a much lower level of distress with potentially fewer side effects following your session compared to ongoing 60 minute counseling appointments.  There is also less time spent on treatment interruptions and distractions, (that thing also called LIFE) in-between your weekly scheduled session. With multiple hours dedicated to you and your treatment goals there is ample clinical time to process your trauma and achieve the goal of significantly decreasing your distress.  

  • The therapists’ sole focus for the day is on you and your treatment goals. Kindred therapists will not be meeting with any other clients on days of EMDR intensives that are 4+ hours (full days).

What are some typical themes or issues that are targeted in Intensive Sessions?


Recent Traumatic Event Intensive Option (4-6hrs session block)

  • Medical trauma

  • Experienced the loss of a loved one (including miscarriage, abortion)

  • Experienced natural disasters

  • Experienced violence

  • Experienced accident

  • Experienced assault of any kind

  • Experienced a critical incident

  • There can be overlap with ongoing distress issues



Current Ongoing Traumatic Distress Intensive Option (4-6hrs session block)

Reduce Impact of Ongoing Distress-clear up past related events to decrease severity of present day reactions

  • Active duty first responder service

  • Military service

  • Front-line healthcare worker service

  • Stressors related to work burnout

  • Therapists and healers, including vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue

  • Patriarchal and racial trauma

  • Gender identity and LGBTQ trauma

  • COVID related stress (Eg: long term medical side effects, negative impacts related to that time period, vaccine injury, loss of business, other losses)

  • Intergenerational trauma

  • ​Experiencing workplace bullying, or a toxic work environment

  • Experiencing/witnessing domestic violence

  • Living in constant physical pain

  • Exposed to any form of abuse or neglect on a regular basis

  • Experiencing any kind of ongoing personal discrimination

  • Living with the persistent difficult symptoms of a clinical mental disorder (DSM)

  • Living with a serious medical diagnosis

  • Being in a caregiving role that is very difficult

  • Experiencing a high conflict divorce

  • Pressures of daily living that add up

  • Raising a child with special needs

  • Living in a conflictual, or dysfunctional environment

  • Coping with consistent loss or complicated grief

  • Recent exposure to a natural or manmade disaster

  • Experiencing the effects of ongoing Intergeneration trauma

  • Issues related to drugs and alcohol other addictions

  • Experiencing homelessness

  • Unstable finances-debt

  • Cultural or spiritual trauma


Story Clearing Intensive Option: (8-16+hrs session block)

Multiple Childhood Trauma Targets from the Past (This is not an exhaustive list)

  • Experiencing abuse of all kinds including witnessing abuse and neglect

  • Bullying, discrimination

  • Exposure to natural disasters

  • Exposure to ongoing violence including community violence

  • Death of a significant loved one human or animal

  • Significant changes such as moves

  • School trauma

  • Religion and/or cult trauma

  • Foster Care other attachment disruptions

  • Medical trauma: major accident, diagnosis other

  • Immigration, refugee

  • Patriarchal and racial trauma

  • Gender identity and LGBTQ trauma

  • Divorce

  • Cultural or spiritual trauma

  • Family issues: parents/guardians with mental health disorders, narcissism, serious relational problems with family members 

  • Intergenerational trauma

Why take months, when it can take days.
Who is an EMDR Intensive for?
  • You want to experience deep therapeutic work that can change your life

  • Something traumatic has happened recently and your life has turned upside down and you need to get back on your feet

  • You had a very painful experience/s that is still impacting you today

  • You have done EMDR before and found it helpful for your healing and wellbeing and want to try this format

  • You want to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for a big life event or to move forward in your career

  • You already go to weekly therapy and you feel stuck, on the verge of a break through, or want to target a specific trauma issue then go back to your weekly therapist to debrief

  • You only want to do short-term therapy to expediate results

  • You want to move forward in your life but your past traumas are stopping you

  • You want to achieve faster results in therapy.

  • You have time constraints that make the intensive more convenient

  • You are ready to face your traumatic past

  • You are ready and able to make the financial investment


Who is an EMDR Intensive not for?
  • People who are suicidal

  • People with an ongoing abusive home environment

  • People with a history of severe dissociation

  • People with poor self-regulation ability

  • People who are actively experiencing a psychotic episode

  • People in crisis (for the Story Clearing method)

  • People who are new in their recovery journey from addiction

Kindred Counselling EMDR Intensives Offerings

Ongoing Distress or Single Incident Trauma

4-hours (1-day period) $850+gst


  • 2 hrs session time

  • BREAK 1 hr out of office

  • 2 hrs session time and closing

  • Follow up email check in (1 week later)


5-hours (1-day period) $1050+gst


  • 2.5 hrs session time

  • BREAK 1 hr out of office

  • 2.5 hrs session time and closing full day

  • Follow up email check in (1 week later)


6-hours (1.5-day period) $1250+gst


  • Day 1: 2hrs session time

  • BREAK 1 hr out of office

  • Day 1: 2hrs session time, close full day

  • Day 2: 2hrs session time, close half day

  • Follow up email check in (1 week later)


8+hrs Story Clearing EMDR Intensive: Multiple targets from the past $1900-$3700+gst

Repeat format for additional days (4 hr sessions per day)

  • 2hrs session time

  • BREAK 1 hr out of office

  • 2hrs session time, close day

  • Follow up Check-in Zoom 30 min session (1 week post intensive)


Booking Options:

2-days-8 hours + 30min follow-up $1900+gst

3-days-12 hours + 30min follow-up $2800+gst

4-days-16 hours + 30min follow-up $3700+gst

Additional hours can be added after 16 hours for $225/hr+gst


Note: Additional charges of $200 per day will be added for weekend intensives.

Kindred Counselling EMDR Intensives Therapists

EMDR Therapists in general must have a minimum of a Masters degree to complete EMDR Basic Training.  EMDR Therapists whom facilitate EMDR Intensives have specialized advanced training in this model and extensive training and years of experience with  general and  advanced EMDR protocols. All Kindred Counselling therapists receive monthly individual and group EMDR consultation on a regular basis from the clinic owner Tara Marshall. We have extensive experience working with trauma and working with a trauma-informed lens. We are deeply committed to our clients and offer an ethical, professional service. We will do everything within our power to maximize the results for our clients and it all starts with a warm rapport and a customized treatment plan. We love facilitating this format and can't wait to get started.

Are EMDR Intensives worth the time and money?

EMDR Therapists who facilitate Intensives are the best of the best. It is a specialized treatment that only advanced EMDR therapists can facilitate effectively. All we do at Kindred Counselling is EMDR where as some therapists who are trained in EMDR don't do it everyday. EMDR Intensives give you the results you would get from months of weekly therapy in a much shorter period of time. If you add up the cost of weekly therapy to achieve the same result, an EMDR Intensive is more cost effective.

What does the research say about the Intensive Format?

EMDR in general is recognized internationally as an effective evidence based treatment for PTSD and other stress related disorders and is endorsed by multiple health organizations. 

Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in patients with PTSD, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar, or even better, results compared to weekly treatment, while reducing the risk that patients drop out prematurely.

The intensive format may decrease treatment duration because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session




General EMDR Research: EMDR & PTSD Literature Review

11 Clinical Trials Compared the Efficacy of EMDR With Other Specific Treatments to Treat PTSD…

  • EMDR vs. Long-Term Imaginary Exposure

  • EMDR vs. Muscle Relaxation

  • EMDR vs. Biofeedback Assisted Muscle Relaxation

  • EMDR vs. Trauma-Centered CBT

  • EMDR vs. Prolonged Exposure With Cognitive Restructuring

  • EMDR vs. A Stress Inoculation Programme

  • EMDR vs. Pharmacological Treatment

  • EMDR vs. Emotional Expression Techniques

  • EMDR vs. Short Eclectic Therapy    

​EMDR Was More Effective At Reducing Symptoms in a Shorter Period of Time and Was Tolerated Better By Patients (Due to: No Homework; No Need to Share Extreme Details of Trauma; No Preparation Needed; No Medication Needed) Resulting in a Higher Completion Rate (i.e. Less Dropouts).

Billing & Cancellation Policy for Intensives:


50% of the fee is due at the time of scheduling and is non-refundable. At this time the clients credit card will be inputted into our secure booking system. The balance of the EMDR Intensive will be processed automatically by the clinic 21 days before the Intensive start day.

The nature of these sessions and therapists clearing their schedules for you it makes cancelling Intensives with short notice problematic. So because of this we follow these strict policies.


21 days before your Intensive-the full fee charged and there are no refunds of the second part of the payment for any reason and the rescheduling option is forfeited.


Cut off for rescheduling your Intensive with an ability to carry over the 50% deposit is 21 days before session. You may only reschedule once and it is dependent on the therapist’s availability. After the 21 days the full fee for your Intensive has been paid in full and there will be no refunds or rescheduling of this particular Intensive for any reason.


If the therapist is for some rare reason not able to attend the entirety of the Intensive a full refund will be issued.

In the case of illness the sessions will be switched to online treatment


If a client misses a day or is late for a session there is-no re-imbursement or added time for that time lost but they can attend the remaining time booked.


It may be possible to add more time to a scheduled intensive with an agreement made between the therapist and client at a rate of $225 hr plus gst. The therapist may not be able to accommodate this based on their availability.


Clients who want or need to re-schedule will do so based on the therapist’s availability.

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