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About Kindred Counselling

Kindred in the Community at Hats Off Day

Kindred Counselling has established itself as a trusted business in the Burnaby Heights community offering professional services since 2016. We enjoy participating in community events and are committed to supporting people in our area. We started with one therapist and now we are four-and growing! We are dedicated professionals who want to support you through your therapeutic journey. Contact us to get things started.

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The Meaning of Kindred Counselling

The name Kindred Counselling was born out of the saying "kindred spirits", which are two people that make a special connection who feel bonded at a deep level.


The idea of having a kindred connection reflects the value we place on developing meaningful relationships with our clients throughout the therapeutic process. 

The ammonite graphic symbolizes change and evolution which is a metaphor for entering into the therapeutic process.

Sea Shell
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